RuneScape Player Owned Farm Alt Setup: 1-54 farming and chinchompa within 24 hours

RuneScape players can put chinchompas in their pens on their alt within a day following this guide.

1: Bond up your alt about 2-6 hours before the daily game reset tick (00:00 GMT), so as to allow getting level 28 farming before the next tick. If this is not an option, bond up about 18 hours before the following game tick so as to get level 54 farming and chinchompas before the second day game tick trader.

2: Buy a Camelot teleport tablet, 10 oak planks, and 75 steel nails from the grand exchange. Buy 15 teak planks and 150 mithril or adamant nails if you want to use sheep in the medium pen to speed up the process. Buy about 1k snape grass (2k if doing sheep) and about 1000 woad leaf (if not going to Falador). 100 woad will buy, leave the offer in overnight. If either item doesn't buy, buy at a higher price. You will need 189 of either snape or woad, so as to fill the beehives. Buy 1k barberry/sunchoke/prickly pear/fly trap seeds to use as feed, as these have higher limits and almost always buy under 10 coins each. Buy a falador teleport tablet while you are there, as you probably will need it. Buy planks and any nails (steel preferably as they are common from impling loot) for construction training.

3: Smash the camelot tablet and run west to Seer's village and unlock the lodestone as insurance in case you forget to unlock the one in Ardougne. Cut down southeast to the flax field and talk to the beekeeper to get insect spray, and add that to your toolbelt as you will need it to gain fast farming XP from the beehives on the farm.

4: Run southwest until you see the farm. Run past or through the farm to its southwest corner and activate the Ardougne lodestone first so you don't forget. Then go northeast to the back of a building in the middle of the farm and shovel away at the manure pile for about a half hour, clicking on it every time your arms get tired. Your goal is to get level 17 farming. You can also rake the allotments, plant vegetables and flowers, and pick flax, although flax gives slower XP than manure. Another alternative is to fill watering cans (one per eight bagged plants) and buy bagged plants in Falador to train construction with. (Note: Try step #11, honey, Immediately when you get 17 farm, if that doesn't work, do it immediately after the tutorial.)

5: Use your Falador tablet to teleport to Falador, Jog north outside the gate to unlock the lodestone for future ease of access. Then go back south and east into the park. On or around the bridge is the gardener who supplies woad leaves at 25 coins per leaf, in bulk amounts. You can buy woad for the beehives and as feed for sheep, from the NPC. Go east and the garden supplier sells bagged plants for use in construction. (Both of these are not essential, but since you are there anyways, it is place utility.) Exit the park and go to the house with the spade, talk to the estate agent, and buy a player owned house. (There is also an agent between the museum and palace in Varrock.)

6: Go to your house with planks and nails (or plants and watering cans) and build a parlor. Build crude chairs or plant plants (if doing plants, do this before getting 17 farming) until you are about level 12-13 construction.

7: Teleport to Lumbridge via home teleport, cross the river, and head north until you find the sculptor. Do the God Statue distraction and diversion for the construction XP (which increases as your level is higher, hence needing level 12 first.) Build the scaffold to the dimensions needed using the required scaffolding, check with the sculptor, get it perfect, get the XP. You can gain slayer or prayer XP here also, while you are at it. You should get level 14-15 here.

8: Teleport to Burthorpe and run southeast to the druid altar. Next to it is another sculptor block. Now you did one, you can right click to start the sculpture directly, and skip the cutscene. You should get level 17 here.

9: Teleport to Ardougne. Run south through the town, south along the coast for a ways, and enter Yanille. Run west through Yanille to the lodestone outside the west gate. Unlock this lodestone, so as not to have to run again. Then go south a few steps and there will be another sculpture. Completion of this should put you at level 20 construction. If not, go back to your house and make a couple more chairs.

10: When you have level 20 construction and level 17 farm, talk to Granny P at the farm and follow the tutorial. It takes about 15 minutes, less if you know what the next step is as you can in some cases go ahead and do it without asking granny. Always advance time when she offers to do so. After the tutorial, put the elder rabbits in the breeding pen and the baby rabbit in the small pen. You will continue to move any new babies from the breeding pen to the small pen, as they are born. Try to have at least 4 pieces of food in the breeding pen, you don't need food in the small pen right now.

11: Put snape grass (noted) and woad leaves in the beehives that are to the southeast of the farm, right outside the large pen. What is most important is that you place 27 of at least one type of item, in each hive, as soon as you are allowed to. The bees will make one unit of honey per hive per hour.

12: Hop the breeding pen stile and shovel rabbit poop whenever it appears. As more rabbits breed, you will be able to fill the small pen, and shovel in there also. If money is not an issue, you can buy unchecked rabbits on the grand exchange and use them in the pen to get shoveling right away. If you run out of rabbit poop to shovel, go back to manure. Rabbit poop grants XP eight times faster, and moves you faster to 28. If you planted vegetables, you can harvest those if they are ready. You can also check your beehives and harvest any honey that is made, as each honeycomb grants 80 XP.

13: When you get level 28 farming, immediately right click contract options on Granny P and request chicken buyers come. Sell your rabbits to Mifi before the buyer resets. Then go to the bank southwest of the farm and withdraw your 10 oak planks and 75 steel nails. Buy the deeds from Granny P for the small pen and build it. Go to the grand exchange, and buy poultry for your pens. You can buy Varrockian red hens, Oomlie hens, Bandosian Bantam hens, common white hens, roosters, and chicken eggs, all unchecked, from the grand exchange, for under 10k coins each. This is the preferred option, as you create demand for what is a trapper loot that is common that players want to sell. Buy at least 16 hens; each will take about 4 hours to fully grow, granting 2,500 XP each. Three sets should be enough, combined with honeycombs, to get level 54 farming. If you want to shovel bird droppings (20 XP each) for XP, you may need only 2 sets. If you want to grind shoveling bird droppings, the one set will be sufficient. If you want to farm sheep and shovel manure for faster XP, you can get a construction assist and build a medium pen, and buy four white/black/seasonal sheep/ram on the grand exchange and farm those.

14: Continue harvesting elder chickens and replacing with eggs, six in each small pen plus four in the breeding pen, selling the elders to Henrietta until she teleports. You gain some extra beans from the rabbits and chicken, that you will need later. Make sure that you get 54 farming before the next game tick. Your primary sources of XP will be checking chickens, honeycombs, and shoveling bird droppings. Fruit and wood tree runs are also an option, for gaining XP, especially if you have to go to bed and let the crops mature overnight. Time, in this case, will be in your favor, allowing you to have more honey ready and allow crops to mature.

15: As soon as you gain level 54, request the chinchompa buyer frequent your farm. That way, you have a source of fast beans in case you need them. Noted produce, at 3k beans, is a good investment, as animal loot can clog up the inventory fast otherwise. Breeding in small pens, at 1k beans, is worthwhile if you want to breed baby chinchompas in place of farming XP, as opposed to continuing to level farming. Breeding in medium pens, costing 3k beans, is useful at 64 farming for spiders and more so at 81 farming for zygomites. The collector and trapper farmhands can also be purchased, the collector will gather animals bred in a full breeding pen and give to you as unchecked, and the trapper will return to you a random unchecked animal. These income methods will be examined in greater detail in future posts.


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