
Showing posts from February, 2019

RuneScape Player Owned Farm Moneymaking: Collector

RuneScape players can unlock the collector farmhand for 2,500 beans. This farmhand will hold up to 30 unchecked baby animals bred in the breeding pen, and uses 10 beans per animal collected. The input for this farmhand will be 10 beans per unchecked. The output will be whatever animals are grown in the remaining two slots of the breeding pen, and whatever value the unchecked animals are. Since animals maintain their current breeding times, it is possible for a lower animal to be more profitable than a higher animal, because it breeds faster. Average breed times (From RuneScape Wiki): This is the average number of breed ticks needed to average one baby, multiplied by the number of minutes between each tick. Traits like Studly will increase percentage of breeding, which in turn will lower these averages. Nonetheless, 24 hours, divided by the times below, indicate the yield per day. Rabbit:           ~12 minutes    ~120/day (will need to be emptied 4...

RuneScape Player Owned Farm Money Making Method: Trapper

The trapper farmhand requires 5k beans to unlock and 100 beans per use. Senning one adolescent chinchompa daily will provide more than enough beans for his upkeep, if used twice a day. While I don't yet have the average rates for the trapper, I have gained a chinchompa multiple times, gained one yak, several spiders, a cow, a few sheep, and plenty of chickens and rabbits. I expect prices on the grand exchange for these animals to not drop too far below their street price, so a dragon will be no less than 400k, a zygomite no less than 200k, a yak no less than 250k, a chinchompa no less than 75k, a spider no less than 50k. Rabbits and chicken can reasonably get 5k each, sheep 10k, and cows 25k. Now these prices can drop more if supply continues to eclipse demand. I expect the convenience of going to the grand exchange and simply buying the animal, coupled with the slower production rate of higher animals, to sustain these animals at prices comparable to the street prices. The trapper...

Player Owned Farm: 54-81 farming for profit/least expensive

1: You are going to have to sell enough animals to afford the collector, the noted produce option, and breeding in small pens. Growing a full set of carnivorous chinchompa to elder should be sufficient to reach level 64 farming. The beans from the 16 elder chinchompas and the 32 elder chickens will total just under 4k beans. Request the chicken buyer come until you run out, then request the chinchompa buyer. 2: Buy the bank chest, breeding in small pens, and the collector. 3: Deploy a pair of elder chinchompas in the two small pens, selecting any studly and virile ones. Put a pair of elders in the breeding pen and use the two free slots to grow two child chinchompas. Deploy the collector to be active at the breeding pen, gathering any animals that should breed. If you check the farm twice a day, you will birth about 12 baby chins, four which will be grown to adolescence, with eight surplus, each day. You will harvest about 4-6 unchecked chinchompas from the collector, costing you 40-60...

Player Owned Farm: Level 81 and Zygomites in about a week-fastest XP

1: Get your player owned farm set up, and reach level 54 farming in a day, to unlock chinchompas. 2: Buy baby chinchompas from other players. These can be bought for around 100k coins each. You can also breed them on your main account, and trade them to your alt. 3: Save up your beans to buy noted produce, so as to avoid banking. Buy the bank chest, it's only 300 beans, and definitely worth it. 4: You can mass produce adolescent chinchompas and harvest twice per day, or grow to elder and harvest every 2 days. The latter is 25% greater XP than the former, and if you grow carnivorous chinchompas, you make about 60k off the harvest from each, plus 175 beans (unless you get lucky and find a buyer). 5: At level 64, buy spider eggs off other players or unchecked ones off the grand exchange. Grow these in your medium pens (you can build your second pen at level 64, get a construction assist to build it, after buying blueprints.) Spider eggs grow in 25 hours to elder, pushing your harvest ...

RuneScape Player Owned Farm Alt Setup: 1-54 farming and chinchompa within 24 hours

RuneScape players can put chinchompas in their pens on their alt within a day following this guide. 1: Bond up your alt about 2-6 hours before the daily game reset tick (00:00 GMT), so as to allow getting level 28 farming before the next tick. If this is not an option, bond up about 18 hours before the following game tick so as to get level 54 farming and chinchompas before  the second day game tick trader. 2: Buy a Camelot teleport tablet, 10 oak planks, and 75 steel nails from the grand exchange. Buy 15 teak planks and 150 mithril or adamant nails if you want to use sheep in the medium pen to speed up the process. Buy about 1k snape grass (2k if doing sheep) and about 1000 woad leaf (if not going to Falador). 100 woad will buy, leave the offer in overnight. If either item doesn't buy, buy at a higher price. You will need 189 of either snape or woad, so as to fill the beehives. Buy 1k barberry/sunchoke/prickly pear/fly trap seeds to use as feed, as these have higher limits and alm...