Player Owned Farm: Level 81 and Zygomites in about a week-fastest XP

1: Get your player owned farm set up, and reach level 54 farming in a day, to unlock chinchompas.

2: Buy baby chinchompas from other players. These can be bought for around 100k coins each. You can also breed them on your main account, and trade them to your alt.

3: Save up your beans to buy noted produce, so as to avoid banking. Buy the bank chest, it's only 300 beans, and definitely worth it.

4: You can mass produce adolescent chinchompas and harvest twice per day, or grow to elder and harvest every 2 days. The latter is 25% greater XP than the former, and if you grow carnivorous chinchompas, you make about 60k off the harvest from each, plus 175 beans (unless you get lucky and find a buyer).

5: At level 64, buy spider eggs off other players or unchecked ones off the grand exchange. Grow these in your medium pens (you can build your second pen at level 64, get a construction assist to build it, after buying blueprints.) Spider eggs grow in 25 hours to elder, pushing your harvest back more each day. To reset it, put in a crop of adolescent spiders in place of eggs, to gain back five hours. Or simply harvest the elders the next morning and lose half a day.

6: At level 71, it is possible to build large pens and farm baby yaks to adolescence. There is not a lot of money here, but if you sell the adolescent yaks, you make a small margin.

7: Load your beehives up with snape and woad and harvest daily, for a fast 13-14k xp.

8: Depending on how aggressive you are, you will have 81 farming on day 6-8 from when you bought your bond. Now, you can farm zygomites. If you farm zygomites in your medium and breeding pens to adolescence, and have chinchompas in your small pen, you will reach level 86-89 farming by the time your 14 days run out. This can be enhanced by farming urns and other alternative farming methods.


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